TCC Interactions

The TCC collaborates with the BD2K coordinating centers to help facilitate training activities. In addition, TCC works with many of the BD2K Centers of Excellence and other BD2K grantees with the primary objective of advancing the field of biomedical data science research by providing training and educational resources in Big Data science.

BD2K Centers-Coordination Center (BD2KCCC)

BD2KCCC provides administrative support for the BD2K Centers program, promoting collaboration among Centers, facilitating Working Group operations, and organizing the consortium activities of BD2K Centers. The TCC works closely with the BD2KCCC by creating an advocacy initiative in the state of California for biomedical data science. In addition, the TCC and BD2KCCC work together to spearhead a virtual lecture series, beginning Fall of 2016.

BD2K Standards Coordinating Center (BD2K SCC)

BD2K SCC is a web based portal designed to broaden the use of standards in research, enabling FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles, and strengthening broader biomedical research community collaboration around standards by using a variety of tools to educate, train, and advocate for the use of standards in research. The collaboration between the TCC and BD2K SCC seeks to further these goals and integrate standards and their importance into training materials.


ELIXIR, the European life-science infrastructure for biological information, collects, quality controls, archives, and integrates large amounts of biological research data from Europe into open access datasets. The TCC actively collaborates with ELIXIR, referencing the existing platform of discovery indexing and creating international standards for education resources and their discovery and accessibility.

The Data Discovery Index Coordination Consortium (DDICC)

DDICC was awarded a Biological and HealthCare Data Discovery and Indexing Ecosystem (bioCaddie) Project that seeks to develop a prototype Data Discovery Index that will enable the accessibility and discoverability of biomedical Big Data. The TCC and bioCaddie will work together to make these Big Data sets available as data resources linked to specific training activities.

The Human Heredity and Health in Africa Initiative (H3Africa)

H3Africa applies genomic science and associated technologies and investigates environmental contributions to common diseases in an attempt to improve health outcomes in Africa. The TCC will collaborate with H3Africa in developing international standards for training resources.